download “Handbook for Lent 2025” (pdf)

Lenten Schedule 2025

Psalms is often referred to as Scripture’s prayer book. Seven of those psalms are categorized as penitential, reflecting the Christian’s sorrow over his sin coupled with his hope in Jesus Christ. Join us this Lent as we re-learn and take to heart these seven psalms, hear anew Our Lord’s Passion, and ponder “God’s Gift of Forgiveness.” Below is our schedule of services.

Dinners will be served in the multi-purpose room the five Wednesdays after Ash Wednesday (5:30-6:30pm). See the Calendar for specific dates. Donations will be accepted. All are welcome.

Ash Wednesday • March 5 • 7:00pm

Join us as we begin our 40-day journey to the cross with a solemn Divine Service. This service begins with the imposition of ashes, features Jesus’ words from the Sermon on the Mount, and ends with the Lord’s Supper. The sermon will explore the first penitential psalm and Jesus’ words from the Sermon on the Mount, wash away the ashes of our sinfulness via Christ’s forgiveness, and clothe us with His righteousness.

Psalm 6 | Jesus Teaches about Almsgiving, Prayer, and Fasting

Wednesday Services • March 12 to April 9 • 7:00pm

Join us for these 45-minute candlelight Evening Prayer services, filled with Scripture, prayer, and song. The sermons will explore five of the penitential psalms coupled with the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Each will deliver Christ’s forgiveness and fill us with the joy of His salvation.

Psalm 32 | The Upper Room

Psalm 38 | The Garden of Gethsemane

Psalm 51 | The Palace of the Holy Priest

Psalm 102 | The Governor’s Headquarters

Psalm 143 | The Cross

“For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.”

Romans 6:23
