I’m New

Our life together as a family of believers centers in God’s house, where we fill our ears with God’s words and promises and partake of Christ’s gracious gifts in the Divine Service. You can expect reverent worship, sacred music, sermons that deliver Jesus Christ, and the prayers and praise of God’s people. This Christian faith is then lived out in a life of joyful service to one another and our community, intermingled with ample opportunities for fun and fellowship together.

What happens at worship?

You will receive a worship bulletin in the narthex (entrance) when you arrive. This bulletin contains the order of service, which is paired with hymns from Lutheran Service Book. The portions of the liturgy that are spoken or sung by the congregation are marked accordingly. We encourage you to add your voice to ours.

Why are people completing an attendance card?

Members and visitors alike are asked to complete a green attendance card. We follow up with visitors to thank you, tell you more about our congregation, and address any requests or questions you have. Please complete an attendance card before or during the service and place it in the offering plate.

Why is an offering taken?

Christians know that all we have ultimately belongs to God. We are simply stewards of His gifts. In thanksgiving for all God has done for us sinners in Jesus Christ, we offer back to Him our firstfruits. The offering is collected via the offering plates. Click here to learn more about giving options.

May I receive communion at St. John?

Jesus Christ gives us His true body and blood for our forgiveness, life, and salvation. Because participation in this meal involves a public confession, we ask visitors to speak with our pastor before the Divine Service. If you are not yet a member of an LCMS congregation (or one of its partner churches), we ask you to wait to receive this Sacrament here until our pastor has had an opportunity to teach you about this gift and what we believe as confessional Lutherans. Click here to learn more about Holy Communion.

We look forward to meeting you...

Please introduce yourself to our pastor before or after the worship service. Our greeters at the ‘Welcome Center’ are here to assist and even have a welcome gift for you. Know that we would love the opportunity to talk with you about Jesus Christ, God’s holy Word, Christian faith and life, our congregation, membership, and receiving the Lord’s Supper at our altar. You belong at St. John!

“When Jesus saw the crowds, He had compassion for them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd.”

Matthew 9:36
