2023-2024 Academic Year: Spring Session

Thursdays from April 4 to May 9

Below is the class schedule. Parents may choose one or more classes for each enrolled child. Costs are listed below the enrollment link. Teachers will follow up with you with payment instructions.

Class Times Class
09:00a - 09:55a Religion: Old Testament Studies
10:00a - 10:45a Physical Education
10:50a - 11:45a Mapmaking
11:45a - 12:15p Lunch
12:15p - 01:10p Latin

Enroll for Spring Session

Class Cost
Latin $12 / student
Mapmaking $18 / student
Physical Education $12 / student
Religion: Old Testament Studies Free

Return to Good Shepherd Classical Academy

“Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.”

Proverbs 22:6
